The second stage of your tour exploring the beauties of the Cuneo area starts from Mondovì in the direction of Chiusa di Pesio and ends in the town of Cuneo.

You leave the city of Mondovì, first following Via San Bernardo to continue along long Via Vecchia di Cuneo, and then take advantage of the farm roads that go past farmsteads and cottages recalling this territory’s strong link with agriculture and typical products. The hills of Monregalese gently accompany the ride, the view of which is interrupted from time to time by woods and fruit trees.

After passing the hamlet of Merlo you continue in the direction of Roracco and Pianfei along Via Vecchia Pianfei and start to climb gently and steadily towards Chiusa di Pesio. In just a few kilometres you will go through so many hamlets and villages, that it will be easy to find places to stop for a bite to eat, a coffee or simply to rest your legs. If you feel like it, from Chiusa di Pesio you can opt for a diversion to the Certosa di Pesio, a fascinating place from which a path leads to Pian delle Gorre, where you can refresh yourself in the cool air and perhaps enjoy a visit to the Saut waterfalls.

Back in Chiusa di Pesio, follow the old Montefallonio road away from traffic to reach the village. The road is slightly uphill, but it isn’t a hard ride and you are accompanied by the green of the cultivated fields and the fragrances of the countryside. A short descent leads to Peveragno, land of the sweetest strawberries, and then you will arrive in the hamlet of Rivoira, where the descent begins that will accompany you to the end of this tour.

After Boves, a pretty village with a chestnut museum, the route continues in the direction of Fontanelle, where the Regina Pacis Sanctuary is located, and then, after crossing the River Vermenagna over an arched iron bridge, you will come to the village of Borgo San Dalmazzo, where the cycle path enters the Gesso and Stura River Park. For the last ten kilometres of the route, you pedal along the left-hand side of River Gesso until you reach the centre of Cuneo. After passing through the railway subway off Lungo Gesso, you ride along Via Vecchia di Cuneo and long Viale Mistral which, as it enters Viale degli Angeli, makes a triumphant entrance into the city of Cuneo, lined with fabulous Art Nouveau villas that recall the regality of French boulevards.